Introduction to the Directory of Student Training Opportunities (DSTO)

On Wednesday we looked into the reasons for the Shortage of Environmental Health Practitioners in the UK . It is imperative that we start to spread awareness of Environmental Health before it’s too late!

“It is critical that we collaboratively protect the environment to reduce the destruction of ecosystems caused by a myriad of anthropogenic activities. Accomplishing all this, however, requires us all to make different decisions starting today by recycling, reusing, and composting; reducing our meat consumption, making better transport choices; reducing our electricity usage, and avoiding toxic chemicals.”

~ Ketan Dattani, CEO of Buckingham Futures

CIEH, Buckingham Futures and the Partnership

In 2022, our partnership with the CIEH (Chartered Institute of Environmental Health) launched The Directory of Student Training Opportunities (DSTO), a listing of training opportunities to help students complete their Environmental Health Practitioner Portfolio.

How did it start?

The directory was the culmination of a long-held ambition for Julie Barratt, President of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH). In 2010, while Julie was the director of CIEH Wales she decided to inspire future generations using her expertise as an Environmental Health Practitioner and Barrister.

The idea is to provide an opportunity for professionals to specialise in various Environmental Health disciplines while completing their professional practice portfolios. By connecting them with employers with training opportunities from the public and private sector, professionals can reach their full potential having both practical and theoretical experience in their chosen field.

Accessible to CIEH members, the new directory is online and interactive. Opportunities posted are aligned to CIEH pathways to professional registration, such as a Chartered Environmental Health Practitioner, Registered EHP and Registered Food Safety Practitioner.

The directory provides employers with a dedicated space to promote their roles to help environmental health students on the pathway to professional registration. It connects employers of EH services with students who are looking to improve their knowledge and the breadth of their existing skillset.

“It demonstrates the huge breadth of work that environmental health professionals are involved in, supports students following CIEH accredited training programmes to gain experience, and offers employers exposure to potential employees,”

~ Julie Barratt, President of the CIEH

Ketan Dattani, explains how the directory will benefit the future generation of EHPs.

Read the full CIEH article here:

Pushing careers forward in 2022 with the CIEH Directory of Student Opportunities

Next Issue

As this is the biggest development in Environmental Health over these couple years, there will be a lot to cover. In the coming weeks we will delve deeper into how the DSTO can benefit Students and Employers in the sector.

Nick Cheung ~ Marketing Executive

Buckingham Futures HQ

We are dedicated to providing our exceptional recruitment and consultancy services to you. With our team of specialist recruitment consultants, they will be able to assist you in your queries and job hunt.

Give us a call on 020 8125 4321 or email your CV to and let’s have a chat!

Recruiting the Present, Inspiring the Future.” ~ Buckingham Futures

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